Adelan’s Dr Michaela Kendall is to chair the low-carbon steering group set to boost green recovery in the Midlands by implementing an environmental technologies action plan.
Published July 2020
Adelan chief executive Dr Michaela Kendall is to chair the Low Carbon and Environmental Technology Steering Group (LCETSG), driving the implementation of the West Midlands’ Low Carbon Action Plan. The objective of the industry-led Steering Group is to oversee the implementation of key activities to support clean energy and environmentally-friendly businesses.
With innovative ideas and products set to become part of the framework driving decarbonisation and post-Covid 19 green economic recovery in the West Midlands, the LCETSG has been established by Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP). The purpose of the Steering Group is to pump prime the low-carbon sector.
Commenting on the development, Steering Group Chair, Dr Kendall, said: “Environmentally-friendly technologies like fuel cells offer a clear route to economic recovery and growth for the West Midlands, while also improving our local environment. The Group will ensure the Action Plan’s interventions promote rapid and lasting business opportunities within its internationally valued engineering ecosystem. This region is well-placed to maximise the benefits of this strategy to boost local manufacturing and jobs. I am delighted to be chairing the group to prioritise key interventions to support local low-carbon businesses.”
Recognising the low-carbon sector as one of the region’s key areas of strength that can enable clean growth and prosperity, the LCETSG aims to increase both domestic and foreign inward investment to the West Midlands. The West Midlands is already host to over 700 LCET businesses which collectively employ nearly 23,000 people and contribute around 4% [GVA] to the regional economy.
With countries and regions around the world increasing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution, this already exciting high-growth sector looks set to expand significantly in the coming years. According to recent figures, the LCET sector has the potential to expand to over £9 billion or 10% of the West Midlands Combined Authority economy in future. In doing so, low-carbon technologies are expected to play an essential role in transformation of other West Midland strengths such as automotive, aerospace and rail, whilst creating new employment opportunities.
The Steering Group will meet quarterly and contains board members from a range of small, medium and large organisations, all based in the West Midlands. Alongside small companies like Adelan and Pyrogenesis, larger adopters such as Cadent, E.On and National Grid are also represented on the steering group.
To join a fuel cell and hydrogen technologies webinar on the prospects for the Midlands region on July 29 2:30pm, book your place here. Updates on the GBSLEP’s low-carbon work and minutes from Steering Group meetings are available here.
To discover exactly how Adelan and the steering group can support your future energy ambitions or to discuss your requirements for clean, quiet and reliable energy for remote, mobile or any other applications, please contact Dr Kendall and the rest of the Adelan team at:
Adelan Ltd
15 Weekin Works, 112-116 Park Hill Road, Birmingham B17 9HD (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)121 427 8033
About Adelan
First founded in The Midlands, Birmingham-based Adelan pioneered microtubular solid oxide fuel cell (mSOFC) technology more than 30 years’ ago. Adelan’s patented and scalable technology gives the fuel cell unprecedented flexibility, allowing the system to run cleanly on a range of commonly available fuels such as LPG, natural gas or propane/butane mix. As a result, though Adelan fuel cells can also run on hydrogen, they offer considerable additional operational flexibility and ease of use benefits whilst retaining a small, compact and lightweight footprint.