

Microtubular SOFC solid oxide fuel cell technology was integrated into a micro combined heat and power mCHP system operating on natural gas. New Generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (NewGenSOFC) was a four-year EU funded project which ran between 2014-2017. The project pilot-tested and costed manufacturing techniques using microtubular SOFC technology in mCHP systems.  The collaboration was between a ceramic fuel cell producer SME (Adelan), a ceramics mass manufacturer OEM (Kale), and academic researchers in the UK (University of Birmingham) and Istanbul (Gebze Technology University). The project seconded industry and academia staff to deliver cost-effective engineering solutions for the commercialisation of microtubular solid oxide fuel cell SOFC technology.  As fuel cell components and systems were produced in small quantities, with considerable manual input, cost-effective manufacturing technologies were required to reduce costs and increase quality.